Category Archives: Driving

Tips for Safe Driving at Night

car driving at night

So far this year we have told you how to replace your headlight bulbs to make sure you have full brightness on the road. Now it’s time for us to look at how to make sure you’re safe when behind the wheel and the sun has gone off on its merry way.

There may be less traffic about at night but unfortunately this darkened time is when most of the accidents happen. This is because of reduced visibility and increased difficulty in judging speed and distance when the light is poor.

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Demisting Your Car Windows

condensation on a window

Poor visibility is a danger to yourself and other motorists when out on the road. Misted windows can prevent you from getting a clear picture of the road. Do not move off in your vehicle until your glass is completely clear. It is dangerous, and if your visibility is impeded, it’s illegal.

We have already looked at the easy way to clean ice off your windscreen in a previous article, now it’s the turn of the dreaded mist, which can slow you down on a cold morning and even make you late for work. So what are our top tips for dealing with this difficult fog?

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The Best Five Cars for Towing – That You Can Buy Today for Under £5K

car towing a caravanThe sun is shining and you’re thinking about breaking out the old caravan once again. Not every car is equipped to pull your home from home, so we thought we’d help you out by taking a deeper look at the car market. We managed to come back with 5 top second hand motors that you can pick up for less than £5K that are excellent for towing.

If you want something that’s going to do the business, then check out our recommendations for your next towing vehicle: Continue reading

Our Guide to Motorway Driving

busy motorway

Getting out there on the motorway for the first time or even if it has been a while can be daunting. With the constant flow of traffic, it takes time to get used to the constant changing lanes and big trucks if you are only acclimatised to our single lane roads. However you can consult our guide for newbies to help you out.

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Our Tips for Avoiding Travel Sickness

woman suffering from travel sicknessTravel sickness is real. Although it is more present in children and the elderly, it can strike anyone and turn a journey into a real ordeal.

Travel sickness is a kind of motion sickness. It is caused when the car creates motion, which could be when the driver turns or simply moves down even a straight road. This triggers the fluid in inner ear to send confusing messages to the brain which doesn’t match with the signals coming from the eyes.

This can cause sickness, nausea and vomiting. But with a little forward planning it can be avoided and kept at bay during even the longest travel ventures. Continue reading

Hot Hounds: Keeping Dogs Safe in Cars During the Summer

dog in a car in summer

The holidays have definitely arrived. Whether you are heading to sunny beaches or picturesque country walks you’ll need to get in the car. Last month we took a look at how to survive the ordeal of travelling with kids. This month we’re giving you some pointers as to how to make sure your dog survives the ordeal of the fateful hot car.

It doesn’t take long for a vehicle to heat up. When it is just 22 degrees outside, your car only has to sit for an hour in the sun to reach a temperature of 47 degrees. And that’s pretty damn toasty. Think how hot you might get, and then imagine how it is for a dog.

Even though there has been plenty of information broadcast about this topic over the last decade, there are still plenty of idiots around, so we thought we would re-iterate some of the best advice to make sure your loved family pooch is safe at all times.

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What Happens If You Misfuel? – And What Should You Do?

fueling a car

Believe it or not, misfuelling is a whole lot more common than you think. In the UK alone around 150,000 UK motorists find themselves in the awkward situation where they have to admit they have put diesel in the petrol or vice versa.

So what should you do if you find yourself in this difficult position at the pumps, or worse still, out on the road? Fortunately, our handy guide will help you make the very best out of these adverse circumstances.

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Driving with Hayfever

driving with hayfeverThe suns out, the fields are dry and the pollen is filling the air. If you are one of the thousands of people in the UK who suffer from hayfever then the best months of the year hold a hidden problem.

Having the windows open as you drive through the country could lead to you sniffling and your eyes itching up. Whilst some might think this is a minor complaint, sneezing whilst out on the road can be dangerous, especially when driving at speed. Continue reading

Surviving a Road Trip with the Children

children on a road trip

The summer holidays are most certainly coming. Together with your partner as your only support you are planning one of the most difficult missions. Deploying a successful road trip taking the kids somewhere – without arguments, annoyance or simply stopping the car and throttling your little cherubs.

It doesn’t take Super-Nanny to work out that children generally become unhappy because of three reasons. They are either tired, hungry or bored – or any combination of the three. Can you manage to navigate the road trip, arriving at your destination on time, whilst keeping these three vital factors in check?

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How to Save On Your Car Insurance

saving money on car insurance

It is all too easy to let your car insurance simply roll over. But did you know these auto-renewal rates can be much higher than you expected? Cash hungry companies can often prey on people’s laziness to slip through higher premiums than you’ll find elsewhere in the market. Fortunately, it’s very easy to shop around and make a saving.

Many people are feeling the pinch with the current economic climate in the UK, so reviewing your options is becoming more important than ever. At the very least you could be equipped with the necessary leverage to negotiate with your current supplier. If you can give them a comparative rate from one of their competitors, this could see you getting a drop in price.

How should you be going about searching out new rates? What’s the best and most efficient way to find a great price for your car insurance?

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